
Showing posts from March, 2019

Domestic cat

Today I write a acrostic poem about a cats it was really fun because I got to be really creative. A  acrostic poem is a poem where write a word vertical then you write sentences that start with the same letter here is my poem.

D ogs are dirty cats are clean.
O verall dogs are better than cats.
M eowing all day is so annoying to listen too.
E yes that can see in the dark.
S ome cats have spots and some cats have stripes.
T igger looks skinnier than normal tigers.
I mportant dogs, don’t worry about the cats.
C ute dogs ugly cats.

C ats play minecraft, dogs play fortnite, fortnite better.
A lmost all cats are lazy and dogs are playful.
T here are is three hundred million more dogs in the world cats 

Camp Kaitawa


This is my first blog of the year and I was to busy to do a blog but I finally have some time. Camp was so much fun even the jobs. Here is my reflection about camp I hope you like it.