
Showing posts from November, 2019

Interschools Athletics

Last Wednesday I went to Interschool athletics. I got in for the two hundred meter sprints, I came third for two hundred meter and one hundred meter for the school athletics. I was going in to the one hundred meter for interschools but one hundred was my friends strength, and he's faster than me so they put me into two hundred.

Me Gavin, Ziggy and Taj step out of the car onto the big field with heaps of other schools, and much bigger groups than Wainui. My race was the first race of the day and it just had to be the same time as my sisters race, so my Mum couldn't watch my race. In the first heat,  which was quite hard, I sped across the prickle covered field. I could see a kid sprinting up behind me, a second later that kid was in front of me. Now I was coming second. I crossed the finish line and the lady told me I came second then it was the finals. We didn't even get a rest. I stepped on to the starting line, I was still tired from the heat. The guy said "on you're mask, get set, go!" I sprinted as fast as I could I past like five kids but all the other kids were way too fast to beat. The race was a lot faster this time and a lot harder. I still came fifth.

I am so happy that I got fifth in gisborne for my age, I thought I would be sixth or seventh. Overall our school tied with Mangapapa, we both got first. Athletics is my favorite sport this year.

Kapa Haka 2019

Kapa Haka

Bshhh! We got off the loud bus and lined in our class lines up we were at the showgrounds in Gisborne. We went with nui on a wednesday. Walking into the the huge nerve racking hall my tummy started to rumble, and it made me want to go to the toilet, but I couldn't. I could here the preschool Kapa haka group shaking the ground they and they were only like three or four years old. Then the wai group walked and it was so cool because they started with kids playing the ukulele and it was really funny because some girls made a mistake and everybody started to laugh.

Getting ready for the performance was really boring because we had to wait for a little bit then we got told to walk into the hall I was so scared but I just had to do it so the first two rows walked on, I started smiling straight away, I saw my auntie, She come to New Zealand like every year. She comes from Aussie. The first song we did was Tu mai ra, I think we did pretty good. The second was Hairemai a pawa I think we did it way to fast. The third was Kapioio, it was OK. Fourth was Puiriani Then we did Utaina, that song lead into the haka. The Haka was meanage we did Ka mate and another haka. then we did Wainui e. We did one more song but I forgot.

This Kapa haka was the best and the last for wainui. It was so fun to be perform in front of my family. I bet my family loved it. It was nice to get kapa haka off my shoulders. Now I just need to end the year and i'm at intermediate.