
Showing posts from September, 2019

The Amazing Marae Trip

Marae Trip
Last Thursday the whole nui went to Te poho o Rawiri marae, it was amazing the first thing we did was go to the powhiri. The tangata whenua welcomed us the names of the people that was Papa Albie, Aunty buba and Aunty charlotte. They sang there song then we sang ours. Then it was time to hongi I was one of the first people I wasn't that nervous because I had practiced it, I could see all the boys younger than us were really nervous. Then we went to our activities.

Our groups first activity was weaving flax, I don't think I was that good at weaving but I still liked it. I can't remember the second, third activity was setting out the mattress that was really fun. lunch was OK, Then me and Ziggy got our beds ready, it was hard because it was so loud in the marae, I got a headache from all the noise but I survived. It was time for dinner, it was delicious I loved it.

Our performance was next. I was really nervous but I just had to do it. We sang lots of songs then it was jump jam, it was time for my ukulele and my fingers were really slippery so it made it harder to play tab and I had to go really fast, luckily I only made one mistake but it still made me panic. As I was laying in the sleeping bag, my headache was super duper sore, it felt like my head was going to explode I was awake till one in the morning. The next day we welcomed wai to the marea and did a walk up kaiti hill. I loved the marea it was awesome. I wish we could do it again, but I think the headache made the trip so much worse. I loved the food I loved the activities and I loved the trip. Here is  a photo of me playing the ukulele.