My last Term in WBS

Term 4 has been one of the fun-est, and exiting terms this year. We had kapa haka, school athletics and interschool athletics. Athletics was really fun, I got first and second for the 100
meter and 200 in the heat. In the finals I got a pretty good placing for both 200 meter and 100, I got 3rd. Then it was time for the interschool athletics I step out of the car. My heat was the first race of the day in the heat I came second and in the final I came fifth, so that means i'm one of the fastest year six boy in gisborn.

Kapa haka has been one of the biggest focuses this year. It has been a little bit different this year because kapa haka is normally every two years but we had it last year and this year. I had some much butterflies getting off the bus Wai went first it was really cute because they
made a funny mistake. Then it was a preschool group then it was our turn to do our kapa haka. I think we did pretty good but we went fast on one song.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Term 4 has been so fun. This is the last term ever at Wainui Beach School. I can't wait to go to intermediate, it's quite sad to leave this school but I think i'm going to survive.


  1. Such a busy term, wasn’t it? You have really made the most of being in Year 6 this year and while there are aspects of WBS you are really going to miss, I know you are super excited to start this next chapter at Ilminster. I am a bit sad that you are leaving WBS, as you were my first child at the school, and we learned so much together about being a school kid!! What a lucky kid you are to have been able to attend WBS, I think you will realise, and fully appreciate, later in life just how special the past 6 years have been for you. Dad and I, and the rest of your family, are so proud of you and of the young man you are becoming.


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